New Releases!!

The Fab 5 - Middle School Math Spiral Review of the Basics


The FAB 5 is a 30 week spiral review of basic math skills. Each week there are 25 problems (5 each day) that cover fundamental skills of math. It is geared mainly for 7th grade, but it is still a nice resource for 6th & 8th grade students.

The Set Up

Each day the students do 5 FAB 5 problems. The first problem is usually addition (could be fractions, decimals, integers, or just basic whole numbers). The second is usually subtraction, third is multiplication, fourth is division and the fifth is a random problem. The problems are designed to be straightforward and basic. As time passes the type of problems becomes much more varied.

Goals of the Fab 5

1) Helping students to keep their basic skills sharp. 2) Diagnose basic gaps in student understanding. 3) Allowing core class lessons to go smoother.

The Great 8 - Middle School Math Spiral Review of Key Concepts

The Basics

The Great 8 is a 25 week Spiral Review of key mathematical concepts for middle school. The focal point is for 7th grade, but the Great 8 is also ideal for stronger 6th grade students and 8th and 9th graders that need to review these key concepts.

The Great 8 includes 100 worksheets and 25 Quizzes. Each worksheet and Quiz includes a total of 8 questions. The combination of all the worksheets and Quizzes is a grand total of 1,000 questions. Each week includes 4 worksheets and a quiz.

How it Works

At the beginning of a week a packet of four worksheets is given to each student. The first and third worksheets of the week are the same questions (with different answers) and the second and fourth are also the same.

At the end of the week 4 questions are taken from the first/third worksheets and 4 questions are taken from the second/fourth worksheets and are used to create the quiz.